Community Service Event: Vine St. Elementary Edible Garden

A group of USC ASCE members got up early on this Saturday morning to help completely rebuild an edible garden at Vine St. Elementary School. Tomás O’Grady of Enrich LA led a team of about 80 volunteers to clear out the old, unmaintained garden and build new raised beds, an irrigation system, a wooden fence, and picnic tables. After six hours in the sun, construction was complete and other groups began planting a variety of vegetables. We got valuable experience that will benefit our design teams’ work, including sanding (we’ll sand our concrete canoe), staining (also staining the canoe), and piping a irrigation system (our environmental design team’s system consists of pipes). Overall, it was a great experience, and we hope to be able to participate in another similar event soon!

First General Meeting Summary

Thanks to everyone who joined us at our first meeting!

We had a great turnout, with 65+ students in attendance. I know several people wanted to attend but couldn’t, so you can use this post to catch up on what you missed. There are some useful links for those who were there too.

At the meeting we said that membership forms would be available on our website very soon, you can now find them through the membership page. You should also subscribe to our calendars.

After the main portion of the meeting, where we explained what ASCE and USC ASCE are, as well as talking about all of the different things we do, we had a brief activity for those who could stay. The assignment: create the tallest possible tower out of six sheets of (re-used!) paper and nothing else (no tape, glue, paperclips, etc.). Oh, and they had to be wind-resistant too. We had some pretty creative results!

Someone requested that we post our presentation slides, so here they are (minus our special fonts) if you want to review what we went over or in case you missed the meeting!

Remember the slideshow of images we had playing before and after our presentation? It’s actually just a page on our website that make a slideshow of all of the pictures we’ve uploaded here. Check it out!

Don’t forget about our upcoming events: PSWC Info Sessions Thursday 9/12 from 5:30-6 or 6-6:30 or Friday 9/13 from 12-12:30 (all three cover the same information and focus on our design teams) and our First Guest Speaker Meeting Monday 9/16 from 6:30-8. Make sure you join our mailing list for updates!