We’ve been busy putting the finishing touches on our concrete canoe and its auxiliary components over the past few weeks. Our cut-away section is a seven-foot-long space shuttle, complete with red steel stands (not pictured):

Our two stands include a massive asteroid (made out of concrete, of course), and a special robotic guest:

We’re building some other cool stuff, including a canoe, of course, but you’ll have to wait until PSWC to see everything else. For now check out the construction pics:
Lucy and Kelly carve an asteroid out of Styrofoam. Placing a concrete shell on the asteroid canoe stand. Preparing to paint the asteroid canoe stand. Team members admire the (shiny) DiSCovery I Practice Canoe as they remove it from the mold. Re-lining the canoe with contact paper for the DiSCovery II pour. Placing concrete. A carefully orchestrated operation of mixing and placing concrete. Mixing concrete for DiSCovery II. Placing concrete in DiSCovery II. Adding another layer of reinforcement (this time fiberglass). Preparing to build a curing tent for DiSCovery II. Assembling PVC pipes for the DiSCovery II curing tent. Post pour-day-II celebratory team dinner! Erin and Jessica assemble Styrofoam blocks to be cut into a space shuttle. We just sanded a big block of foam into the shape of a space shuttle… SC Traveler was finally removed from behind our building, to make room for DiSCovery I and DiSCovery II after PSWC 2014. While SC Traveler was a great improvement for our 2013 canoe team, we’re hoping to reach new levels of success with DiSCovery II. Preparing to place concrete in our space shuttle cut-away section. Jessica sands sheets of Styrofoam into wings. Freshly painted space rocks to accompany our asteroid stand. Preparing to remove DiSCovery II from its mold. Removing DiSCovery II from its mold. Admiring our shiny new canoe. DiSCovery II awaits sanding and staining. Sanding the exterior of the canoe. Canoe captain Jake sands the canoe, unafraid of the plentiful concrete dust. Erin sands the canoe. Tyler delicately brushes excess concrete dust off of the canoe. Jessica meticulously sands the canoe. Sanding the exterior of the canoe. Erin (supposed to be working on the display board) says hi! The first layer of staining is completed.