PSWC 2014 Started off with a beautiful day of Concrete Canoes and Steel Bridges on display!
Early-morning assembly at the hotel. Full trailer waiting to be unloaded. We’re here! Waiting to unload the trailer. The team prepares to lift the canoe out of its cradle. Carrying the canoe out of the trailer. Bringing the canoe onto campus. Bringing the canoe to our display area. Carrying the canoe to our display. Setting the canoe down on temporary stands. USC engineers ready for a busy day. Carrying a canoe stand to our display area… It’s WALL-E! Wheeling a several-hundred-pound rock to our display area to hold the canoe. Placing the canoe stands. Preparing to flip the canoe over. Carefully inverting the canoe for display. Attaching WALL-E’s feet. Assembling the steel bridge for display. Assembling the steel bridge for display. We need another small piece of wood – good thing we brought a saw! USC ASCE NASA-style logo on our Space Shuttle Cutaway Section. Completed canoe display. Fully-assembled bridge. Partial Canoe Team with DiSCovery II. Our final product display table and space shuttle canoe cut-away section. Our canoe cut-away section: a space shuttle. Selfie with WALL-E! DiSCovery II on display. Our 2014 Steel Bridge on display. Nicole with DiSCovery II. Canoe team display. DiSCovery II with its asteroid and WALL-E display stands. Our 2014 Steel Bridge. “The orientation of our canoe display creates a space where exhausted students can rest in its cast shadow.” – a building science student Everyone loves WALL-E! Nicole with our Final Product Display. People view our canoe and bridge displays. Not-the-canoe-team with one of our practitioner advisors. DiSCovery II and the final product display. Canoe Display. Space Shuttle Cut-away Section. Space Shuttle Cut-away Section. Space Shuttle Cut-away Section. DiSCovery II on display. Our 2014 Steel Bridge on display. Everyone loves WALL-E! Our canoe captains deliver the oral presentation. Carrying the canoe back to the trailer, to rest before tomorrow’s races.