All of our design teams are busy with last-minute preparations for PSWC 2014. We’re off to San Diego tonight, excited to compete!
Ben grinds down a piece of the steel bridge. Ben grinds down a piece of the bridge. The Steel Bridge team prepares to practice assembling their bridge. The Steel Bridge team practices assembling their bridge. Kelly holds the results of a failed concrete bowling ball test. The Concrete Bowling Ball awaits its paint job. The Environmental team’s system goes through a test run. Cleaning the basement canoe area. The space shuttle cut-away section, complete with cardinal red steel stands made from last year’s steel bridge. Kelly and Lucy assemble the final product display table. Admiring the completed canoe-staining. DiSCovery II awaits its lettering. Lucy applies a second coat of paint to the canoe letters. Jake paints canoe letters. Erin paints “Southern” onto the canoe. Carefully painting lettering onto DiSCovery II. Painting on the canoe & university name. Erin paints lettering onto the canoe. Touching up the canoe lettering. Erin and Jessica discuss the status of the canoe finishing. Jessica and Erin paint “DiSCovery II” onto the canoe. Jessica carefully touches up the canoe lettering. Painting lettering onto the canoe. Removing a lettering stencil from the canoe. Watching paint dry. Touching up the canoe lettering. Erin cuts out labels for the concrete aggregate samples for the display table. Jessica goes into full-on artist mode while staining the canoe. All of USC ASCE’s equipment and creations are safely packed into the U–Haul to head to San Diego. WALL-E Looks over DiSCovery II and the rest of our gear in the U-Haul.