Tag Archives: Competition
PSWC 2014 Day 2: Volleyball
Our team fought hard, but ultimately lost their first-round match in three sets.
PSWC 2014 Day 1: Canoe & Bridge Aesthetics
PSWC 2014 Started off with a beautiful day of Concrete Canoes and Steel Bridges on display!
Early-morning assembly at the hotel. Full trailer waiting to be unloaded. We’re here! Waiting to unload the trailer. The team prepares to lift the canoe out of its cradle. Carrying the canoe out of the trailer. Bringing the canoe onto campus. Bringing the canoe to our display area. Carrying the canoe to our display. Setting the canoe down on temporary stands. USC engineers ready for a busy day. Carrying a canoe stand to our display area… It’s WALL-E! Wheeling a several-hundred-pound rock to our display area to hold the canoe. Placing the canoe stands. Preparing to flip the canoe over. Carefully inverting the canoe for display. Attaching WALL-E’s feet. Assembling the steel bridge for display. Assembling the steel bridge for display. We need another small piece of wood – good thing we brought a saw! USC ASCE NASA-style logo on our Space Shuttle Cutaway Section. Completed canoe display. Fully-assembled bridge. Partial Canoe Team with DiSCovery II. Our final product display table and space shuttle canoe cut-away section. Our canoe cut-away section: a space shuttle. Selfie with WALL-E! DiSCovery II on display. Our 2014 Steel Bridge on display. Nicole with DiSCovery II. Canoe team display. DiSCovery II with its asteroid and WALL-E display stands. Our 2014 Steel Bridge. “The orientation of our canoe display creates a space where exhausted students can rest in its cast shadow.” – a building science student Everyone loves WALL-E! Nicole with our Final Product Display. People view our canoe and bridge displays. Not-the-canoe-team with one of our practitioner advisors. DiSCovery II and the final product display. Canoe Display. Space Shuttle Cut-away Section. Space Shuttle Cut-away Section. Space Shuttle Cut-away Section. DiSCovery II on display. Our 2014 Steel Bridge on display. Everyone loves WALL-E! Our canoe captains deliver the oral presentation. Carrying the canoe back to the trailer, to rest before tomorrow’s races.
PSWC 2014 Day 1: Basketball Tournament
Our Basketball team won their first-round game in the PSWC 2014 basketbll tournament, earning us top-eight points for the overall PSWC rankings.
Team meeting during a timeout. Heavily contested shot. Nicole goes up for a pass. Basketball team photo. Basketball team celebrates their first-round victory.
PSWC 2014 Day 1: Environmental Competiton
Our environmental team successfully completed their water treatment challenge to remove nitrate and phosphorus from a water sample, earning 5th place in a field of 15 schools.
Environmental captains strategize for their competition. Preparing for the start of the competition. Preparing to pour the water into the system. Preparing to pour the water into the system for treatment. Pouring the water into the system for treatment. The system beings to treat the water. Daphne shows off our low-cost, sustainable, water-treatment system. Checking the time elapsed. Waiting for the water treatment system to do its work. Environmental presentation team. Environmental Design Team.
PSWC 2014 Day 1: Mystery Event
Mystery event is an event where we send several of our members to the competition where they proceed to compete in several challenges that were not previously announced. This year’s team had a blast, fully embracing the spirit of the competition.
PSWC 2014 Day 1: Family Feud Quiz
This year’s PSWC quiz event challenged students with an individual scan-tron-style quiz on engineering topics in the qualification round. After tying for second (out of 18 schools) in the qualifications, we advanced to the more energetic Family Feud tournament for the final rounds. We named “Occupations That Begin With the Letter ‘A,’” but had trouble thinking of “Things You Do With Two Hands.”
PSWC 2013 Summary
We’ve all recovered from PSWC 2013 (the ASCE Pacific Southwest Regional Conference) and are ready for a final summary. This year we co-hosted the conference, with most of the events taking place on the USC campus. Despite the added commitments of hosting, we were competitive in many events and made several improvements over last year.
Environmental Design Team
Our big win was our environmental team’s 1st Place finish! The team worked long hours and it paid off. Multiple design iterations, a large team, and excellent leadership enabled the group’s success. Since most of the team isn’t graduating yet, including the captains, we expect a strong showing for next year as well.

Our Environmental Design Team poses with their water distribution system at the PSWC 2013 Environmental Competition at Pardee Plaza on the USC Campus.
Concrete Canoe Team
Our Concrete Canoe made big improvements over our last several years’. For our seniors, this was the first time our canoe survived all the way until the final, coed race, when four people must race in the canoe at once. Naturally, our primary senior leaders celebrated our success by all racing together for the first time. Our final product was extremely buoyant and only faced minimal cracking issues (except during transportation). While we may not have had the prettiest canoe, it improved significantly over last year’s in aesthetics and we expect to improve further in coming years with the help of a larger team, better year-to-year knowledge transfer, and additional funding. A total of five schools were unable to race their canoes by midway through race day this year, so our solid (if heavy) canoe represents a huge accomplishment.

The Concrete Canoe Team poses with their USC-themed canoe, SC Traveler, after successfully finishing all five races at PSWC 2013.
Photo © 2013 Lance Hill
Steel Bridge Team
The Steel Bridge Team also completed a successful final product at PSWC 2013. Our bridge team is also young this year and only one team member (our head captain) is graduating, so we’re expecting better and better bridges over the next few years. We hope to grow this team larger as well, which should help ensure that we have regular strong finishes for years to come.

The Steel Bridge Team poses with the assembled bridge after the PSWC 2013 competition, in front of Mudd Hall at Pardee Plaza on the USC campus.
Photo © 2013 Lance Hill
PSWC 2013 Rankings & Thanks
Overall, our conference rank for 2013 is 12th, a one-place improvement over last year, out of 18 competing schools. Detailed final scores and rankings information can be found here. But our biggest accomplishment is successfully co-hosting the conference. PSWC 2013 ran extremely smoothly thanks to the tireless work of our E-Board and PSWC planning committee, especially our Conference Co-Chairs Oscar and Theresa. Thanks to everyone’s hard work, we put on an amazing conference, while still faring well in competition!
PSWC Day 3: Steel Bridge & Geotech
The final day of PSWC 2013 included the Steel Bridge competition, the Geotechnical competition, Concrete Bowling and Horseshoes, the Soccer tournament, and the award ceremony.
Steel bridge photos are by Lance Hill.
The first competition of the days was concrete bowling/horseshoes. We were disqualified from bowling because we didn’t know there was a weight limit, and we didn’t have enough team members anyway, so we headed over to the horseshoes event. We won one point in horseshoes, with only one concrete horseshoe breaking, beating our direct opponents 1-0! Meanwhile, the steel bridge competition was beginning at Pardee Plaza The steel bridge team talks with the judges. The team strategizes The clock starts! The team assembles the bridge. Another view of bridge assembly, Final assembly. Judges evaluate our work. Our cheering section! The team adds the load to the bridge loading the bridge loading the bridge loading the bridge loading the bridge The bridge is evaluated, with Mudd Hall in the background Our bridge team captains discuss the competition the team rests during judging The bridge team poses in front of Mudd Hall Team members pose on the bridge Meanwhile, the Geotechnical design competition occurred at e-quad. Our team prepares for competition. Since we were hosting, several USC ASCE members were recruited to aid in judging. Our team prepares to cut up their paper. Our team at work. Other schools load their designs with sand. The competition involves creating a retaining wall out of paper that can hold both static and dynamic loads. The CBU box, just after its failure during dynamic loading. Our team begins to load the 500 pound of sand into the box loading sand There’s a strategy to ensuring the sand settles an condenses as much as possible. Another school places their wall into their box. Our team continues loading The competition had many onlookers, with four schools competing at a time. We finish up our loading. Scoping out the intended position of the static load. When we took the box side off, our wall held! The wall held well with only minor leakage past the one-minute deadline Then it failed very soon after, before additional load could be applied. However, we did much better than in past years The 2013 Geotech Team in competition at PSWC While each team was responsible for filling their box with sand, we had to move it back into a pile after every school finished since we ran the event. Our team poses with their technical board. Other teams compete Other teams compete Other teams compete Other teams compete the competition from afar Other teams compete Other teams compete A very successful design! We were in a pretty nice spot for the competition Some schools brought huge cheering sections After the competition, we had to carry all of the sand back out. The bricks got some nice fresh sand between them After the award ceremony in the evening, the environmental team poses with their first-place trophy All of the USC ASCE 2013 PSWC participants after the award ceremony.
Environmental Design Team Takes First at PSWC 2013!
Our environmental design team just took first place in the environmental competition at the 2013 ASCE Pacific Southwest Regional Conference! This team put in long hours of practice and built multiple iterations of their water distribution system. The first place win is an excellent achievement, especially considering the caliber of the other 17 competing schools!