Several USC ASCE members attended the annual Student Night and Job Fair hosted by the ASCE Los Angeles Younger Member Forum. The evening began with a job fair, where students networked with representatives from 17 companies looking to hire for internships and full-time positions. It was a great opportunity to network with professionals as well as students from other universities. With numerous USC alumni in attendance, there were many opportunities to take advantage of the power of the Trojan Family.
Representatives from LA YMF, the Metropolitan Los Angeles Branch, and LA Section spoke, followed by the keynote speaker, who highlighted how his personal experiences with earthquakes influenced his professional development as a structural engineer.
After the dinner, the ASCE scholarships were awarded. USC students took home the MLAB LeVal Lund Memorial Graduate Scholarship, LA YMF Graduate Scholarship, and LA Section Leo and Pat Hirschfeldt Scholarship.

With 13% of our members in attendance, more than any of the other 10 schools in the Los Angeles Section of ASCE, we also won a sponsorship to help with our costs for PSWC!

Overall the student night and job fair was a great experience and we strongly recommend that everyone attend again next year.

All photos are courtesy of Paul Choy, LA YMF Historian.