Level 4: Circle with 2 Points on a Traced Line

Let's try something somewhat more challenging. We're headed back to a simple circle with two points, but this time those points define a line. Just for fun, the position of the line is traced through equally spaced increments of t (that makes a cool shape!).

This time, you have to focus on the rate of change, not just the position (if you're familiar with calculus, that just gave you a big hint!). Neither point is located at t, and notice that the individual points go through many cycles in terms of position for each cycle of the whole figure, seen in the trace (as t goes from 0 to 2pi.

In other words, now you have to consider the element of time, or the relative change in the simpler point relative to the change in t. Another hint: the more complex point is proportional at a function of the more siple point's function of t (don't worry, both are straightforward).

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