Tag: USC Village
These posts document the construction of the USC Village development project. I worked for the General Contractor, Hathaway Dinwiddie, for the initial 1.1 million square foot build-out of the site, between May 2015 and December 2016. We built buildings 1 (UVO), 4 (MHC), 6 (CIC), 7 (MRC), 8 (NBC), and 9 (CRC), along with the site development. The photos within these galleries include extensive insights on the progress and plans for the development as it was built. Additional, current information at http://village.usc.edu.

USC Village Official Construction Video – July 2015
This was shot on Sunday 7/26/2015, just before four huge concrete pours early last week. This is the first drone video featuring interior shots – future official videos will show more of the building interiors, as the structures become more complete.

USC Village Flyover – June 2015
USC’s monthly drone-captured flyover videos really capture the scale of the USC Village project. I believe this one was shot on or around June 19th, 2015.
In the next few months, you can expect to see all buildings grow about a full story taller each month. The remaining street trees will come out to make way for the narrowing of Jefferson Boulevard and the old Fire Station 15 will be removed.