Category Archives: E-Board

Website Redesign

We’ve launched a visual redesign of our website, addressing several concerns about our site’s usability that came up in our Fall 2013 survey.

Previously, we used a custom child theme of the Twenty Thirteen WordPress theme. Now,  we’re using Twenty Fourteen, with the Fourteen Colors plugin.

The new design features images more prominently and boldly (see the design team pages, for example, Concrete Canoe). It’s higher contrast and more readable. And most importantly, it provides several tools for us to highlight the most important content, for example, through the new sidebar on the left of the screen.

Continuing our commitment to open source software, I contributed heavily to the development of Twenty Fourteen, so that we could make it better for both our uses at USC ASCE, and for thousands of other sites worldwide.

We hope you like our new design!


EBoard Secret Santa

Our board celebrated its last meeting of the semester with a secret santa gift exchange! After everyone opened their gifts, each person had to guess who gave it to them, which was harder than you’d think given the size of our board.

EBoard Secret Santa gift circle results

Overall this was a great way to end our semester. A lot of work goes into organizing everything for ASCE and we’ve already started getting ready for an exciting spring semester. Through our weekly 9pm board meetings, as well as working outside of the meetings, our board has put in a terrific effort this semester; none of our events would be possible without everyone’s dedication & commitment to making USC ASCE awesome!

2013-14 USC ASCE Executive Board

2013-2014 EBoard Group Picture

President: Elise Takebayashi

Vice President: Rosa Lau

Secretary: Davi Corcio-Alvarez

Treasurer: Evan Rosca

Concrete Canoe Co-Captains: Jake Hermle & Sian Alam

Steel Bridge Co-Captains: Daniel Huang & Winston van Keulen

Environmental Co-Captains: Lauren Tiedemann & Tedman Tran

PSWC Chair: Naren Sahai

Sponsorship/Fundraising Chair: Vincent Nguyen

Social Co-Chairs: Allison Wheeler & Dennis Orozco

Membership Chair: Nick Halsey

Historian: Joshua Hung

2012-13 USC ASCE Executive Board

PresidentOscar Rivera
Vice PresidentTheresa Kurth
TreasurerThomaz Paschoal
SecretaryKatie Wilson
PSWC ChairChris Hong
Concrete Canoe Co-CaptainsJake Hermle & Erin Khan
Steel Bridge Co-CaptainsThomas Palmieri & Justin Zhang
Environmental Co-CaptainsRosa Lau & Elise Takebayashi
Social ChairsLoay Alsalam & Joao De Barros
HistorianDavi Corcio-Alvarez
Fundraising ChairOmar Dana
Communication ChairJennifer Vides