I spent much of my summer with KPFF working on structural construction administration for South Cooper Mountain High School, a new high school in Beaverton, OR that will open in fall 2017 and eventually host 2200 students. Here are some photos I took when I visited the site in August, 2016.
Level 3 classrooms.
Future classrooms on level 3.
Low roof structure adjacent to the auditorium.
Steel roof framing with the surrounding area.
A mobile crane lifts a steel open-web joist to be installed on the auditorium roof.
Future commons on level 1.
Balcony on the second floor of the auditorium lobby.
The auditorium, which is roughly four stories tall.
Open web roof joists span up to 90 feet over the commons.
View from the commons across the courtyard to a 120-foot-long steel truss across the breezeway.
Corridor next to the commons on level 2.
Another look at the open web roof joists spanning over the commons.
Overlooking the commons from the media center.
View into the auditorium from level 2.
Orchestra pit in the auditorium.
Gymnasium, with the CMU walls in progress and window openings visible.
Gymnasium wall that separates it from science classrooms on the upper levels.
View across a gap between sectors that will soon be connected with structural steel.
A blurry view of the south side of the building, where the steel structure is just beginning to be completed in its final section.
Looking down the administration wing next to the main entrance.
Level 3 over the administration wing, looking to the gymnasium.
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