DUNDEE is an early (17th century) hymn tune used with a wide range of texts. This arrangement adds a “response” section to the melody and sets the tune in cut time for most iterations. Its textural variety is most effective with a four-part cello quartet, but larger ensembles can also play it (consider maintaining two-part duets from bars 44 to 75).
The first two verses emerge from layered arpeggios, each repeating the melody and response within the blend of notes. Next, the melody spreads to half time in a syncopated duet, followed by a similar setting of the response. This theme repeats with four-part syncopated settings of the melody and response. The tune switches back to cut time as a traditional four-part harmony is introduced, bisected by the response, and repeated. The final verse repeats the four-part harmony in half time with rhythmic syncopation reflective of the inner verses.

Last modified: May 11, 2024
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