Annenberg Digital Lounge Video Tutorials

I worked at the USC Annenberg Digital Lounge from 2014 – 2016 as a resident WordPress expert. In addition to written tutorials, I created several video tutorials and workshops to help communications & journalism students create WordPress websites. These are tailored to students and paired with the in-person helpdesk available at the (physical) Digital Lounge. Here are a few selections:

Short Topic Videos

These videos cover specific tasks and troubleshooting that come up for lots of students.

Creating Navigation Menus with Categories and Tags

Fixing a Broken WordPress Site Address

Setting up a Site Workshops

These videos serve as complete workshops for students to follow along with when setting up a site.

Getting Started with WordPress and Twenty Fifteen

WordPress Themes & The Customizer

Advanced Theme Customization (with CSS)

Written Tutorials

I also built the website for the digital lounge: It hosts numerous resources similar to the tutorials above across a range of design software, authored by staff experts. The author and tool pages showcase the power of WordPress taxonomies. And there is even a (mostly hidden) course registration and management system that could eventually become available as a WordPress plugin. The Digital Lounge team will continue to build out this library of resources for USC students and the general public.