Sculpting “The Other Tiger”

This essay was originally written for the course “Symbols and Conceptual Systems”, with Professor Roberto Díaz at the University of Southern California. It is relevant here for its interactive format and interdisciplinary approach, and the underlying topic of abstraction in visualization. “The Other Tiger” by Jorge Luis Borges conjures a tiger with its text. Next, Borges compares his imaginary tiger…

Figure/Ground theme, featuring orthogonal black and white rectangles galore, in a screenshot from its alpha development.

New Theme: Figure/Ground

I’ve just launched a new theme here on the root portion of Cello Expressions (containing the about & contact pages & the blog): Figure/Ground. Figure/Ground is completely different from any WordPress theme (or website, for that matter) I’ve ever seen. The site’s design is alive and quite literally evolving before your eyes, as geometric patterns emerge and disappear in the…