Annenberg Digital Lounge Video Tutorials

I worked at the USC Annenberg Digital Lounge from 2014 – 2016 as a resident WordPress expert. In addition to written tutorials, I created several video tutorials and workshops to help communications & journalism students create WordPress websites. These are tailored to students and paired with the in-person helpdesk available at the (physical) Digital Lounge. Here are a few selections:

Short Topic Videos

These videos cover specific tasks and troubleshooting that come up for lots of students.

Creating Navigation Menus with Categories and Tags

Fixing a Broken WordPress Site Address

Setting up a Site Workshops

These videos serve as complete workshops for students to follow along with when setting up a site.

Getting Started with WordPress and Twenty Fifteen

WordPress Themes & The Customizer

Advanced Theme Customization (with CSS)

Written Tutorials

I also built the website for the digital lounge: It hosts numerous resources similar to the tutorials above across a range of design software, authored by staff experts. The author and tool pages showcase the power of WordPress taxonomies. And there is even a (mostly hidden) course registration and management system that could eventually become available as a WordPress plugin. The Digital Lounge team will continue to build out this library of resources for USC students and the general public.

2015 Chase the Music Concert Videos

I finally got around to editing and posting the videos from last summer’s Chase the Music concert for Ayla & Jayden with the Boulder Cello Project. Here they are, including the world premiere of my composition Awe & Joy. Sheet music for all of the music from the concert is available for free on my sheet music library.

Special thanks to Clark Hodge of Chase the Music and Bill Shauck of the Boulder Cello Project for making this concert happen!