Figure/Ground 2.0 Screenshot

Figure/Ground 2.0 and the Future of WordPress Themes

Five-plus years after its launch as a bold new typology for WordPress themes, Figure/Ground has been updated to version 2.0. This modern reincarnation maintains the bold design language while taking its functionality to the next level. Accessibility-ready support and full compatibility with the WordPress 5.0 block editor “Gutenberg” are the most notable upgrades. Figure/Ground runs this site, as well as…

2018 Update on Cello Expressions Projects

Cello Expressions has existed in its current form for nearly six years. After briefly serving as the website for my high school cello quartet, it has been the home of my various digital projects for most of its existence. As this site and its content reach a level of relative digital maturity, it’s time to update the status if its…

Screenshot of version 1.2 of the Figure/Ground WordPress Theme

An Update for Figure/Ground

I’ve updated my Figure/Ground theme on (which also powers this blog) with a few nice enhancements:

  • All options in the customizer are now instantly live-previewed with postMessage.
  • Add support for selective refresh in the customizer for widgets, and generated colors.
  • There is now a social icon menu.
  • Redraw the background canvas when the page is resized to avoid pixelization.
  • Improve keyboard navigation (although this still needs additional work).
  • Update Genericons to version 3.4.1.

The new customization experience is the most notable enhancement. See every color change instantly as you play with it in the color picker, without any delay. Enjoy!

Photograph of Jackson Pollock's "Number 1", 1949.

Reducing Pollock’s “Number 1” to a Familiar Language of Symbols

Jackson Pollock’s Number 1, painted in 1949 via his revolutionary “drip” method, is essentially incomprehensible. As it hangs on the wall at The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in Downtown Los Angeles, countless visitors stare at its incredible depth. Rich, layered details of varying colors form a multitude of shapes, intertwined to create a work that is considered art. The…

Figure/Ground theme, featuring orthogonal black and white rectangles galore, in a screenshot from its alpha development.

New Theme: Figure/Ground

I’ve just launched a new theme here on the root portion of Cello Expressions (containing the about & contact pages & the blog): Figure/Ground. Figure/Ground is completely different from any WordPress theme (or website, for that matter) I’ve ever seen. The site’s design is alive and quite literally evolving before your eyes, as geometric patterns emerge and disappear in the…