New Sheet Music Library Home Page, 2023

The Cello Expressions Sheet Music Library has opened with a table view listing all sheet music in the library since its beginnings in 2012. As the library has grown past 100 pieces (currently around 120 pieces), this format has gradually become less effective. New pieces jump to the top of the list as older pieces become lost in a sea…

Cello Expressions Logo Variations

The cello expressions logo originated in 2013 as a simple sketch drawn during a music history class. An angled arrangement of seven line segments forms an abstract shape. And that abstraction conveniently represents several of the Cello Expressions projects. I reworked the logo’s digital interpretation about six months ago. Last week, I decided to build out a full library of…

Photography Blog Mechanics

I started the Cello Expressions Photography blog in 2015. Over the years, it’s developed a stable format and approach. This post discusses the inner workings of the photography blog and my perspective and goals. This blog, in contrast, focuses on text-driven and multimedia content. Subject Matter As its name suggests, my photography blog is image-centric. Individual posts range from a…

Screenshot of the Cello Expressions food website showing a recipe for "Fresh Pumpkin Pie."

New Food Site

I’ve launched another new site here on Cello Expressions. Cello Expressions Food showcases my newly-launched Visualize WordPress Theme placing equal visual emphasis on imagery and text. This site features recipes inspired by fresh home-grown garden produce. It combines the visual focus of my Photography site with an entirely new creative perspective for the Cello Expressions family of projects.

2018 Update on Cello Expressions Projects

Cello Expressions has existed in its current form for nearly six years. After briefly serving as the website for my high school cello quartet, it has been the home of my various digital projects for most of its existence. As this site and its content reach a level of relative digital maturity, it’s time to update the status if its…

Interactive Geometry Apps

Three years ago, I created several interactive geometry apps while working for Saltire Software. As part of the process, I built the collections functionality for Euclid’s Muse (which I had created the previous year at Saltire), which includes the ability to download a collection of web-based applets as a standalone mobile app that can be processed through PhoneGap and published on app stores. The original intent was to publish a few of these apps on the app store and Google play myself, but I never got around to it. So, I decided to publish them as another site on The five apps are:

I also created an index page based on the pseudo-random experiments page. I’m thinking about turning it into a simple WordPress theme with a fun background (animation off by default), anyone interested?

New Photography Site

I’m launching another new site on this summer. Cello Expressions Photography could be considered a photo blog in many ways, but its primary purpose is to serve as a collection of visually stimulating and contextually significant imagery. Bringing my academic/professional interests to Cello Expressions for the first time, this site focuses on architecture, landscape architecture, and construction. Given my current internship at the USC Village project, expect a particular construction emphasis right now. Visually interesting textures and natural landscapes are also featured.

Check it out at

The site is using my Arbutus WordPress theme, resulting in a major focus on images and minimal UI. The theme will be publicly available soon, likely as a premium theme but possibly for free on depending on time. Note that due to the heavy use of images, it may take some time for the content to load, but once it does, it’s pretty cool!

New Sheet Music Library: The Story

After nearly two years of planning, false starts, and development, I finally launched a new sheet music library. In this post, I’ll discuss the development and implementation process, design decisions, and how I created this project in a way that the source code will be available for anyone to use for free. History I started posting my cello ensemble compositions…

Figure/Ground theme, featuring orthogonal black and white rectangles galore, in a screenshot from its alpha development.

New Theme: Figure/Ground

I’ve just launched a new theme here on the root portion of Cello Expressions (containing the about & contact pages & the blog): Figure/Ground. Figure/Ground is completely different from any WordPress theme (or website, for that matter) I’ve ever seen. The site’s design is alive and quite literally evolving before your eyes, as geometric patterns emerge and disappear in the…